Profile PictureJackie Nicole Salzinger

Hi! My name is Jackie Nicole Salzinger, and I'm a high school singer-songwriter from Portland, Oregon. I love listening to music, hanging out with friends, reading, learning, exploring downtown of the "city of roses," and, above all, singing. I sing and play some piano and ukulele. I perform various gigs around town, from restaurants and private parties to concert halls and night clubs. I recently had the opportunity to record two original songs in the local Kung Fu Bakery Recording Studio, both of which I'm selling on this page! Hope you enjoy! Please buy and share this link with your friends! (I'm trying to at least make what it costs to record them...) P.S. Any additional donations go to the cause of recording the rest of my album, for which I would need a lot more funding. <3 You can also check out more of my music on youtube at Immense thanks to Tim Ellis, Tom Grant, and Dave Kilpatrick for the mentorship and the production on this song. Please share! (Youtube link to come) For now, check out my channel for other covers: And check out my other song on gumroad!